public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags [en] & accessibilité



Accessible News Slider: A jQuery Plugin

by Monique & 2 others
Accessible News Slider is a JavaScript plugin built for the jQuery library.


Forget WYSIWYG editors - use WYSIWYM instead | 456 Berea Street

by Monique & 2 others
"Aside from those issues, which are very minor compared to the nightmarish markup most WYSIWYG editors spew out, WYMeditor is looking great. I really hope this editor catches on."

Blind charities praise Google for finding accessible sites

by Monique
Google Accessible Search, Raman said: "We don't test against WCAG. We think in the spirit of those guidelines, but we don't test against them verbatim."

Sim Daltonism

by Monique & 3 others (via)
Sim Daltonism is a color blindness simulator for Mac OS X. It filters in real-time the area around the mouse pointer and displays the result — as seen by a color blind person — in a floating palette.

Accessibility Color Wheel

by Monique & 19 others (via)
Choix des couleurs texte/fond, 4 prévualisations (normale et daltoniens), téléchargement pour usage hors connexion

Making Ajax Work with Screen Readers

by Monique & 8 others
Techniques to make Ajax and other client-side scripting techniques accessible to assistive technology.

AJAX, JavaScript and accessibility

by Monique & 2 others
Approche progressive et non obstructive, exemples simples

"Back to Top" links considered harmful

by Monique
Les inconvénients liés à l'utilisation de liens "Haut de la page"

WYM editor - open source XHTML editor - Accessify Forum

by Monique
"Our goal is XHTML compliance, accessibility and easy processing of the information (ie XSL transformation)." WYM editor

by Monique (via)
Web-based WYSIWYM editor (What You See Is What You Mean), which goal is to produce XHTML-CSS compliant code. WYM editor lets the writer concentrate on the structure and the content of the document, not on the visual layout.

The Trouble with the Title attribute

by Monique
Problèmes liés à l'utilisation de l'attribut title pour les non-voyants


Simply Accessible

by Monique & 10 others (via)
Des formulaires accessibles (champs obligatoires, messages d'erreur, boîte de recherche).

AJAX and Accessibility

by Monique & 10 others (via)
Utiliser Ajax et respecter l'accessibilité, notamment pour les formulaires.

10 Reasons Clients Don't Care About Accessibility

by Monique & 6 others (via)
Pourquoi les clients ne prennent-ils pas l'accessibilité des sites Web en compte ?

Design and build

by Monique & 1 other
Techniques for accessible web design based on the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines.


by Monique (via)
un pilote pour Linux en mode console (texte) pour tablette braille.

Facts and Opinions About PDF Accessibility

by Monique & 1 other
Un article de Joe Clark, avec un tableau des fonctions supportées par les versions successives des principaux lecteurs d'écran.

Styled Checkboxes

by Monique
Accessible, pretty forms developed by Philip Howard (boutons radio et des cases à cocher)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag [en]

accessibilité +   ergonomie +   seniors +   webdesign +